Group Dynamics - Conflict Resolution - Diversity Training
Specializing in Law Firms - Corporate Teams - Conferences
Boards - NGOs - Religious Organizations
Our programs of team building activities, real world experiences, communication enhancement activities and ice breakers combine fun interaction with a higher level of problem-solving, innovation and strategic planning. All programs are tailored to meet your organization's goals.
Team Bonding - Exciting Challenge Activities

Our thought provoking challenges and activities are suitable for all ages and abilities. Not everyone can balance on a chair or climb over a 6 foot high wall so we incorporate activities in which everyone can participate. No matter how engaging the activity, it's the processing of the activity that really creates meaning.
Pickle Making - Learning Together

In this short one-hour hands-on pickle making workshop your team will learn the history of pickles, taste a variety of pickles and learn to make their own pickles. This is a great in office experience that creates a memorable experience for your team, deals with innovation and reminds also all how to be learners.
Diversity Training through Homeless Karaoke

Learn about the challenges of homelessness in Los Angeles. Through this experience, the group will learn about the issues of homelessness in LA and then walk through Skid Row into the most amazing experience of Skid Row Karaoke. You will choose songs next to, be the audience for and sing for the homeless community of Skid Row. Don't forget to bring your dancing shoes because at 9pm we all get up to do the electric slide.
Perspective-taking, which is essentially the process of mentally walking in someone else’s shoes. Taking the perspective of other individuals who are different from you — by writing a few sentences imagining the distinct challenges a marginalized minority might face — can improve pro-diversity attitudes and behavioral intentions in the work place.
Perspective-taking, which is essentially the process of mentally walking in someone else’s shoes. Taking the perspective of other individuals who are different from you — by writing a few sentences imagining the distinct challenges a marginalized minority might face — can improve pro-diversity attitudes and behavioral intentions in the work place.
Diversity Training through A Birthday Party for Children Experiencing Homelessness

Birthday celebrations allow the deprived children living at the Union Rescue Mission a temporary reprieve from the stress associated with not having a place to call home. At these parties, we celebrate the birthday of any child born that month and all the other children and parents are also invited to attend.
Participants will interact with children and adults experiencing homelessness. Your team members will gain an appreciation for their privilege while helping to put smiles on the faces of children.
Your facilitator will come to the office before the party to work with your team and meet with your team the following week to debrief the experience.
Participants will interact with children and adults experiencing homelessness. Your team members will gain an appreciation for their privilege while helping to put smiles on the faces of children.
Your facilitator will come to the office before the party to work with your team and meet with your team the following week to debrief the experience.
Improvisational Comedy

As a standup comedian and improvisation actor for more than 10 years, Avram has a lot of strategies and wisdom to share from these arenas. Improv games provide tangible techniques for open communication, active listening and creative thinking. They are also a lot of fun!
Disaster Relief - Building Houses and Building Team

Nothing brings groups together like working on a project and exponentially more so on a project with meaning. Bring your group do Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico, Haiti, or Eastern Kentucky to help build houses. We'll arrange all transportation, lodging, and meals. We will facilitate the morning meetings and the end of the day debriefs. Our experts will set the tone and solidify the learning from this powerful team building experience and help your team bring their lessons back to the workplace.
Contact Avram at [email protected] or by phone at 310-844-3984